The Bible Plugin

A free to use, open source, WordPress plugin Bible reader drawn from the Bible Brain DBP4 API.

Start supporting The Bible Plugin project today with your donation via PayPal processed through Reaching Asia, Inc. All donations will be applied to the development and maintenance of The Bible Plugin.​



The Bible Plugin 1.0.0 is currently in Beta release and being tested.  There may still be some bugs in this version but we believe it is stable.  You can download the Beta version from our Support site here.  If you would like to see a live version of TBP 1.0.0 in use, see our sample Bible page here.


No Barriers

The top mission of The Bible Plugin is to get God's Word into people's hands with no barriers. Unbelievers who are spiritual seekers as well as Believers can access the Scripture just from a browser, no app to download or install. Churches or mission minded Believers can likewise easily put the Bible on their own WordPress site in 10 minutes or less.


The second core mission for The Bible Plugin is localization. Using The Bible Plugin you can put the Bible on your WordPress site completely in your focus language from among the over 2,000 languages with Biblical text available from The Bible Brain API. The user interface of The Bible Plugin is likewise easily translated into your focus language so that all content will be indigenous in its presentation.


The Bible Plugin arose out of real world missions experiences and seeing the need for this resource in global missions. The plugin is designed with a focus on making it strategic especially for those involved in digital engagement. Being able to bring spiritual seekers to your own WordPress website for Biblical content allows you to keep them focused on the journey you have designed and not refer them to other sites where you quickly lose contact.

Light on my path

Putting the Word in WordPress.  The Bible Plugin provides a simple Bible reader in WordPress sites with the Bible text accessed through available Bible APIs.  Localization and focus is a priority of this plugin with admin settings allowing for selection of language, Bible version, number of Bible versions available to the end-user, and design elements (fonts, colors).  Simplicity and ease of use for the end-user is the second top priority with the goal of an intuitive interface.  Initial development of the plugin will be based on the Bible Brain / DBPv4 API but with the intention of expanding to other Bible APIs in subsequent releases.  If you would like more information about this project, please Contact us.

Your word is a lamp for my feet
and a light on my path.
Psalm 119:105




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